
Federico Apelt & David Breuer @ Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology


Measured variables angle, surface, shape, count
Operating system windows, mac, linux
Licence open-source, freeware
Automation level automated
Plant requirements Arabidopsis
Export formats txt, svg
Other information parameters may be adjusted for analysis of other rosette plants

Scientific article(s)

Phytotyping4D: a light-field imaging system for non-invasive and accurate monitoring of spatio-temporal plant growth
Federico Apelt, David Breuer, Zoran Nikoloski, Mark Stitt, Friedrich Kragler
The Plant Journal, 2015 View paper

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Phytotyping4D is a non-invasive and accurate imaging system that combines a 3D light-field camera (Raytrix GmbH) with an automated pipeline, which provides validated measurements of growth, movement and other morphological features at the rosette and single-leaf level. In a case study in which we investigated the link between starch and growth, we demonstrated that Phytotyping4D is a key step towards bridging the gap between phenotypic observations and the rich genetic and metabolic knowledge. Our software was developed and optimized for grey-scale 3D light-field images of Arabidopsis thaliana, and the parameters for rosette and leaf segmentation, leaf tracking and automated leaf number classification may be adapted to other plant species.

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