Hybrid Rice

Bangyou Zheng, Lijuan Shi, Yuntao Ma, Qiyun Deng, Baoguo Li and Yan Guo (China Agricultural University)


Model category SPM
Plant part Shoot
Scale Organs, Whole_plant
Licence upon_request
Operating system Windows
Programming language Cpp
Format of model inputs and outputs NA
Species studied Rice
Execution environment NA

Scientific article

Comparison of architecture among different cultivars of hybrid rice using a spatial light model based on 3-D digitising
Bangyou Zheng,Lijuan Shi,Yuntao Ma,Qiyun Deng,Baoguo Li and Yan Guo
Functional Plant Biology, 2008 View paper

Model description

The Hybrid Rice model combines 3-D digitising and a 3-D light model to evaluate light interception and photosynthesis of rice plant types. It quantifies the morphological characteristics of typical rice cultivars and simulates their spatial light distributions and potential photosynthesis. The potential photosynthesis rate is simulated using a model adopted from Pearcy and Yang (1996) and Falster and Westoby (2003).

Some case studies

Some recent studies using rice model:

- Virtual experiments were conducted to assess the effects of leaf angle and LAI changes on light distribution and photosynthetic rate of rice canopies (Zheng et al. 2009).

- The influence of global dimming on the capacity of photosynthetic production of rice was assessed employing a 3D canopy light distribution model that considered the geometry of incident radiation and a a 3D rice canopy model (Zheng et al. 2011).

- The effects ofthe PROSTRATE GROWTH 1 gene on the canopy structure characteristics were quantitatively evaluated (Hua et al. 2016).